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Submission Guidelines, Editorial Policy & Terms of Service - Please read carefully:
- No sites with poor design.
- Your site must be in English.
- Do not CAPITALIZE all letters in your description.
- Submit your websites to appropriate sub-categories only.
- Payment is non-refundable. We spend time to review and/or adjust each listing.
- Featured Link is placed at the top of the sub-category with red frame
- Reciprocal link is not required but appreciated
- Please do not abuse this service, any links that are not following the our regulations will be rejected and deleted.
- Take time to write a good quality and unique description. Submissions that contain errors, bad grammar will be not approved.
- Links are reviewed for approval and will receive attention quickly.
- Do yourself a favor and provide a unique description. Your link and future PR of the page where it will be listed will only benefit from it.
- We do send out very occasional announcements (including some special offers) via email. We do not distribute your email to any third parties.
- Your site may be blocked or removed from our directory without prior notification if it violates the above conditions.
We will REJECT the following types of sites:
- Sites that are under construction.
- Sites that redirect to another site.
- Sites offering little or no original content.
- Sites with abnormal amount of affiliate links.
- Mirror sites that have the same content under different URLs
- Sites created only for the purpose of earning revenue from AdSense or other similar advertisements.
- Sites with popup windows and other technologies that interfere with viewing the main content of the site.
- Hate, bestiality, child pornography, violence, racial or ethnic intolerance, obscene or excessively profane content,
illegal activity, pharmacy, racist, drug paraphernalia, gambling, hacking or cracking or any other sites that might be offensive to our visitors. Remember about this as no payment will be returned.
We gladly approve quality sites!